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 Search Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version
Search - enter any natural product name, disease or condition, or drug name…gives you objective product information, Effectiveness Ratings, or potential interactions with drugs, etc.
Natural Product Effectiveness Checker - tells you the level of effectiveness for natural products used for various medical conditions.
Natural Product / Drug Interaction Checker - tells you potential interactions between any natural product and any drug. Automatically checks for interactions with EACH INGREDIENT of each product.
 New  Nutrient Depletion Checker - Identifies potential nutrient depletion issues caused by medications and provides a rating of the clinical significance.
Disease / Medical Conditions Search - shows you medical conditions, and allows you to see which natural products might be effective.

  CONSUMER VERSION of Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database
  Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain optimal health by providing you with reliable information on herbal remedies, dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, and other natural products.

This CONSUMER version of Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database provides you with easy-to-understand information. Your health professional will use the PROFESSIONAL version of Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database to get detailed scientific data related to these products.

Please recognize that many natural products contain several ingredients. You need to consider the possible interactions, safety considerations and side effects of each ingredient. This site will give you information on each individual ingredient of the product you’re interested in.

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Copyright © 1995-2024 Therapeutic Research Faculty, publishers of Natural Medicines
Comprehensive Database, Prescriber's Letter,
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. All rights reserved.
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Users of this document are cautioned to use their own professional judgment and consult any other necessary or appropriate sources prior to making
clinical judgments. Information and internet links in this document were current as of the date of publication.